Our Services

We simply provide structural warranty surveys for all building types throughout the UK for structural warranty providers 

Housing Developments 

Generally we will visit a housing development on a monthly basis and carry out 4 inspection on each property to ensure it has been built to the best possible standard and in line with current building regulations. We Inspect all sizes of developments from just a few properties up to 100’s of properties on any one site. 

High Rise Buildings 

We inspect all types high rise developments including offices and blocks of flats. We will inspect these from the foundation level up to completion and carry out a comprehensive structural inspection with a detailed report on the construction techniques used. We will highlight any problematic areas during the build and give our recommendations to the developer to ensure that the building is built to the highest standard. We can work on all types of building including Concrete structures, Modular Builds, Light gauge steel structures and steel structures.  

Self Build Developments 

We inspect self build developments from foundation to completion. We will Check the foundation depths and suitability before the concrete is poured, we then carry out a DPC inspection, a superstructure Inspection and then a completion inspection. We offer advice on what the best practices are to developer's and also highlight any potential flaws in the build.  

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